This exhibition relies on your contribution. You can become part of the “GR80s, Greece in the 80s, Technopolis” exhibition by lending us one or more of your personal items.
Everyday items, photos, toys, audiovisual documents, magazines, furniture, souvenirs, clothes, accessories and anything else you might have kept from the 80s can become a part of our exhibits.
The procedure is simple: Fill in the form below with your personal details, a description of the item you have chosen to submit and a simple picture of yourself.
Our curators will then proceed to choose the items most suitable to be included in the GR80s exhibition.
At the same time, we are also giving you the opportunity to take part in the joint exhibition organized by the Onassis Cultural Centre and LIFO, titled “Albums from the 80s” .
The photos submitted might also be included in the Technopolis exhibit kiosks.
Here are some of the object we need:
- Items bearing logos from 80’s political parties such as: Ashtrays, mugs & dishes, pins, flags made out of sturdy nylon or fabric, lighters, scarves, funeral announcements (from the “change of government” era) etc.
- Consumer Goods Packaging [Cigarette related paraphernalia such as ads, packs and posters from brands like “Karelia”, “ASSOS”, “Sante”, “Hellas Special”, “Silk Cut” etc, “Pampers” diapers (cardboard box, packaging), Nutrition products (anything from packaging to ads), Beer crates, “MINION” Department Store carrier bags, “Head & Shoulders” shampoo bottles or ads]
- Magazines, Flyers, Books and Posters from Cosmpolitan, Playboy, Antipliroforisi, Elefthero Theatro, Satirical Pantomimes, Manina and Katerina Magazines as well as from any Football Team. Domi Encyclopedias, 80’s Pirelli Calendars, Klik Magazine, Defi Magazine and the Grand Soviet Encyclopedia.
- Toys (Policemen, Miniature Cars, Dolls, Foosball, Lego, Megano and Board Games)
- Furniture – Household Items [Lace doilies, Decorative living room knick knacks – modern glass creations, Tanagras and Folk art – Dog figurines, Decorative Murano glasses, Sweets dishes, TV units, bedside tables, blankets, lamp shades, Living room TVs, Coffe tables, Folding Kitchen tables, Chandeliers – from living rooms, dining rooms and bedrooms -, Wedding photos (both framed and not), rugs and carpets.]
- School material (School books, notepads and uniforms. Panhellenic exam results, Essays with or without multitone writing, report cards with or without grades, School desks.)
- Micro – Technology (Video cameras, Video tapes, TV Press Video tapes, 17N Typewriter – white AEG OLYMPIA CARRERA typewriter -, tapes, hi-fi, Transistor, Synthesizer (Casio), Walkman, Double Cassette Player, Debit Cards]
- Miscellaneous Political Paraphernalia (Student parties items, portraits of Andreas Papandreou and Konstantinos Mitsotakis from grassroots branches, national resistance recognition certificate, civil wedding certificated, Gorbachev pins, Suffragette pins, proclamations and banners)
- Postal Cards & Stamps (Postal Cards from Aegina, Poros, Spetses, Hydra, Ikaria, Elounda or bearing images of chat-up men, General Secretariat for Youth Stamps, Movement of the 6 Stamps)
- Molds & Models [Molds of toy guns, Pershing rocket, TWA’s Boing 727, dolls, Velouhiotis dolls, Chuck Noris dolls, Velouhioti bust.]
- Clothing (Pins, Lacoste, general garments, Work out clothes)
- All Family photos and Home Videos.