Libraries and reading rooms of the 80s
Place: New Retorts
80s literary activity in its printed form and the publishing efforts that support it, will form the "Library" section. Literature, both Greek and translated, essays and scientific studies that left their mark on this period, will be selected, annotated and indexed as an exhibit. Designed with re-enactment elements in mind, this section will offer its visitors the opportunity to enter a traditionally furnished reading room in which they will be able to browse and read some of the most important books (about 2,000), published in the 80s.
Research Assistant: Kassandra Konidari
Katerina Schina has worked as a critic in newspapers such as “Avgi”, “Kathimerini” and “Eleftherotypia” as well as in “Tetarto” and “The Book’s Journal” magazines. She has also worked at the Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation (ERT) and has taught at the Department of Communication, Media, and Culture of Panteion University of Panteion University and the European Centre of Translation (EKEMEL). As a translator, she has been awarded by the Greek Literary Translators Society in 1997 for the translation of Toni Morrison’s “Blue Eyes” novel and by “Eleftherotypia” newspaper’s “Gourmet” magazine in 2008, for translating Ben Schott’s “Culinary Analects”.
Vaggelis Chatzivasiliou has collaborated with newspapers such as “Avgi”, “Proti”, “To Vima” and “Kathimerini” as well as numerous other literary magazines. He worked as a literature critic for “Eleftherotypia” from 1991 to 2010. He has taught literature review at the National Book Centre’s (EKEVI) book workshop. He is also the author of the following books: Miltos Stachtouris - The Circumvention of hyper-realism, Estia Publications 1992, Road Signs: orientation elements in modern Greek literature, Kastaniotis Publications 2008